So I've been busy *read - doing other stuff but perhaps not the traditional definition of busy* and didn't have much to say but it has started building up and now I have lots to talk about.
1. I'm definitely getting an MP3 player. Probably ordering one tomorrow or maybe later tonight.
2. I'm full on into my yearly snow denial. We had a serious amount of snow for three days. I don't like the snow except from December 24th to 26th. Then I would like it to warm up and become Spring/Summer. Those of us who suffer from seasonal affected disorder are pretty particular about our long days and warm temperatures. Besides there has never been an attractive snowboot. If you know of one please send me a picture.
3. Got together with some girlfriends last Friday for our now (hopefully!) monthly poker game. I missed the cards. I so enjoy playing and it justifies my addiction to poker on TV ... 'cuz I'm learning stuff. Can't imagine playing on-line or in a casino but fun to play with the girls. Although there is a lot more talking and much less playing that if there were guys present. I kind of like the more playing but hey I've always been a tomboy at heart. And I'm good enough to usually break even which means it is a cheap night out.
4. Had a big blow-up at work. One of the patrons (older lady with an ass the size of two beach balls glued together no this isn't relevant but I took the high road and simply left the situation and this is the only place I'll say it) started screaming at me after I tried to help her. I thought I was going to get slapped. Then she wrote a complaint against me. I keep getting little smiles from the staff so I'm pretty sure they're on my side but this woman keeps trying to provoke me by talking too loudly right by me, accusing me of hogging the photocopier, accusing me of crashing the computers (that was new today). It's actually one of the reasons I want the MP3, music and distraction without the hassle of my CD player. Took me about a week to come to peace - I realized that she only embarassed herself and that it is not about me and am doing my darnedest to ignore her.
5. Saw
Pride and Prejudice last night. I'm still not a fan of Kiera Knightly but the lush cinematography and Matthey MacFadyen's eyes won me over. Obviously the BBC version still holds the greater place in my heart but this was a very enjoyable flick.
6. Just finished reading
The Posionwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. Ignore the Oprah sticker on the front. It was amazing. I normally won't read anything with the Oprah sticker on general principle but LS leant it to me and I couldn't put it down. I was predisposed to not like the father as he is a Missionary in the Congo and I disapprove of missionary work on moral grounds. Then I found out he believed girls didn't deserved a college education and hit them. Still an amazing book, the female characters are strong in their own ways and the vividness of the struggle of the Congo for independence takes on the role of a leading character. Read this book.
7. Made awesome dinners Saturday and Sunday night. Saturday we had lamchops with mint/basil pesto and sunday baked tilapia with fresh herbs and white wine. So yummy.
I'm really ready for the weekend but not especially looking forward. We're going to some Christmas parade on Saturday followed by a party in a small town away from the city. I am not the one who accepted this invitation. I like to be in the city. I don't like to be outside in the winter. I don't like parades. I especially don't like to be outside in a small town in the winter watching a parade. I've got to dig out my extra pants that fit over my jeans. I already am wearing two pairs of socks every day. All right, the two pairs of socks is mainly because firstly my "winter shoes" are too big and fit better with two pairs of socks and secondly because the majority of my cotton socks have holes in them. Happy Thursday.