Thursday, September 29, 2005

one of those days

1. it's getting cold
2. I ran down to pick up my Bridesmaid dress from the seamstress and it cost about the same as purchasing another one
3. I have a coldsore
4. smelly men stared at the coldsore on the subway (different ones, both ways)
5. Bridesmaid dress fell off hanger and almost blew into traffic
6. I'm still broke from not being able to work while my monitor was down and can't really afford the alterations but can't put them on Visa because she only takes cash. Who only takes cash? And then lets me walk out with the dress and not having paid? CRAZY! good thing I'm relatively honest.

OK. thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

literary themes

Do you ever notice that you unintentionally end up reading books of the same genre in cycles?

For the longest time I was stuck in Tudor England. Mainly due to my Philippa Gregory obsession. I finished The Virgin's Lover and ended up comparing it unfavourably to I, Elizabeth by Rosalind Miles. I prefer a stronger Elizabeth who is not under the thumb of a wiley and foppish man. Wishful thinking on my part perhaps, I'm sure the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Having finished up all the Philippa Gregory books that I am currently interested in reading I have ended up on a new theme. Jewish women in the Renaissance. The first was The Witch of Cologne, Tobsha Learner which I very much enjoyed except for the fact that the author kept manifesting the supernatural in places where the circumstances of the story were quite strong enough.

Last night I finished The Secret Book of Grazia dei Rossi, Jacqueline Park. Awesome. The character's life is interwoven with artists, politics, war and religion. She is a strong women trying to keep her family together while being pulled in all sorts of different directions. I highly recommend this book.

While reading these I have also finished a couple of re-reads by Nora Roberts and Jo Beverley. I love my historical romance fiction.

I'm also very psyched as I just started The Time Traveler's Wife, Audrey Niffenegger. I can't put it down. I almost missed my subway stop on purpose because I wanted to keep reading. That is the mark of a good book. I'm only on page 104 but will already recommend it.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

why do they lie?

I'm not getting esoteric or even metaphysical, I'm just asking why people are always compelled to lie about the distance of one point to another. You know how far it is, you've been there before, why do you lie?

I often wear very impractical shoes. The distance of a destination from the starting point is a very important and crucial piece of information. If it is within a reasonable distance I will walk; if it is a little farther but too close to justify a taxi, I will wear walking shoes and bring the pretty ones to put on at the destination; if it is within taxi distance, I will take the taxi.

Two blocks is not ten blocks. This is a significant difference in distance, one that will often result in blood and pus.

If you ask me how far something is I will tell you. I will even differentiate between a long block and a regular block. Or alternatively tell you the outside time it would take me to walk it in comfortable shoes.

It's a simple thing, be accurate. My feet will thank you.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

to dog or not to dog ...

So I'm thinking about getting a puppy dog (or young adult dog). I have spent many hours on the internet narrowing down the breed and the size and the general temperment and abilities I would like in a dog, now it is a matter of
A) convincing myself that this is something I can do
B) convincing the husband that this is something I (we) can do
C) finding someone reputable who has my dog for sale
D) convincing our landlord not to kick us out

Before C and D can happen I have promised the husband that I will go to an allergist to ensure that if / once we get a dog I will not be overcome and incapacitated by my sinuses. I am very allergic to dog dander, my sister's beautiful dog Stanley induces fits of sneezing worthy of the Guinness book of world records. (how cute is he in his Christmas Sweater though?)

So although no dog is technically hypoallergenic I have decided to go with the most allergy friendly dog there is (that I still think is cute). A miniature poodle. People laugh but the poodle is one of the smartest and easiest to train dogs there are. Although I know people frown on dogs in an apartment, I work from home and will be here 3-5 days a week with the dog and if I had to be away and couldn't get home during the day I would get a dog walker. I have just purchased Dogs for Dummies as Weddings for Dummies was a lifesaver. I'll let you know what I find out and how the decision making process is going.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Anyone who knows me well, is either groaning or wondering what took me so long to write about my favourite lunch food. I love a good Sandwich, however a GOOD sandwich is actually harder to find than you might think.

Three or four days a week, I go to the local Bagel place for turkey, tomato and cucumber on a bagel. They recently hired some new staff and I have given up trying to explain how to make my sandwich properly. They are intent on putting the mustard on the side of the bread next to the vegetables. This is wrong. Trust me. I come home and add my own mustard in the proper place. The basic order of sandwich preparation should follow these guidelines, with exceptions as noted below.

Salt and Pepper

Mustard does not complement vegetables. Mayonnaise does not complement meat. Why mix them up?
Cheese is complementary to both meat and vegetables, but not mustard or mayonnaise.
Butter is unnecessary unless you are grilling the sandwich, in which case it goes on the outside of the bread.
I enjoy a nice vegetarian sandwich on occasion, in which case there is no need for mustard.
If going for a lower fat content, nix the mayo but still only put mustard next to the meat. Spice up the veggies with salt and pepper.
Goat Cheese is a nice substitution for mayonnaise and is an exception to the cheese in the middle rule.
If making a Pita sandwich, substitute hummus, tzatziki, tahini, Italian salad dressing for mustard or mayonnaise.
Always use the best bread possible. It makes a huge difference.

Friday, September 09, 2005

quick question

How stupid do "they" really think we are? I just read the instructions on my mouthwash: Use in the morning, after eating and before social engagements.
Almost up there with the "The beverage in the cup is extremely hot, use caution when consuming" warning on every coffee cup ever handed out.

On a different note, I am off to Ottawa in a few hours to help throw my sister's wedding shower and bachelorette party. I'm looking forward to it but feel guilty because I have been instructed by my mother, god-mother, and everyone else to bring my wedding pictures. It's not my day anymore, it's the sister's. I am simply a bridesmaid - my duty is to help where I can and bring an attractive element to the proceedings. Not distract loads of attention from her at the party held in her honour. Here's hoping I can keep this to a minimum. Wish me luck.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

guilty pleasures

I was reading my friend KB's blog regarding her feelings on the television program RockStar INXS and it got me thinking about how much I've been enjoying the show. I really like the music and as an added bonus I've turned my husband into a fan. His first question on arrival home last night just before 11 was "Who'd they kick off?" I'm pretty sure he didn't mean to make the pun but I laughed just the same.

I've also been thinking about other little things that give me pleasure. For example, potato chips, trashy romance novels, silly ringtones for my mobile, but mostly bad TV. I'm home alone, a lot. I work from home and BC is usually not home until between 10 and 11. The TV is on all evening. Sometimes I'm watching it, sometimes it's just background noise. I've been trying to make an effort to read more in the living room with the radio for company. I went in there the other day and found that I didn't feel like it was my space. I felt like a visitor in my own home. So I am on a mission to spend more time there and fill it with my energy. Besides, we have the best Chaise Lounge EVER and it is so comfy and perfect for reading.

Picked up a couple of books today, The Virgin's Lover, Philippa Gregory. Contemplated picking up the book that follows Wideacre, but really had no desire to find out how the trilogy ends. The Virgin's Lover is all about Elizabeth I (my favourite feminist) and Robert Dudley. Can't wait to sink into it. Also picked up The Witch of Cologne, Tobsha Learner, about a Jewish midwife accused by the Inquisition.
Fortunately I have 8 hours on the train this weekend to really sink my teeth into these.

However, I will not be starting them tonight as it is the season premier of The OC. It's so bad but so good. Other shows that I should not watch, but can't help myself: America's Next Top Model, The Apprentice, Miami Ink, Monster Garage, ...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

's o.k.

As I lay in bed last night not sleeping I realized that the initials of my blog are a pretty good motto. A way of living and letting things go.
's o.k. can mean

no worries
you're welcome
I'm fine
apology accepted

I'm a big fan of trying not to sweat the small stuff and remembering that in the long run, very little matters except how you conduct yourself and treat others. Note that I said I'm a big fan, this does not mean that I always succeed. But the little things add up and can really make you feel better.

Moving on to other less esoteric stuff. I am still uncarbonated. I switched my usual diet coke for diet iced tea, still has that lovely aspartame after-taste and comes in a can so I don't feel like I've given up everything. Kind of missed the fizzy though last night when I realized that beer is carbonated.

The world must have shifted a little because I just heard the door buzzer and was able to receive a package! hooray! I do enjoy getting packages. If only they weren't all work related.

What else is new ? We cooked a duck on Sunday night. It was really good and once BC decided to stop playing "watch the duck puppet dance" it was pretty easy. I have issues with raw meat. I don't touch it. I will back away from it or leave the room. Some irrational fear of salmonella or a traumatic incident from my childhood that I've repressed? Who knows, just keep it away from me.

It's the first day of school. Although I love not being a student, there's always been something hopeful about the first day of classes. Seeing what you'll be learning, meeting old and new friends, and blank notebooks full of possibilities. What's more exciting than that?

Thursday, September 01, 2005

who knew how great it is to go outside?

I had the nicest day. I went to the Archives and worked all day, then took a meander up Bay Street from College to Bloor then along Bloor to Avenue Road for some window shopping. mmm... so convenient that the Louis Vuitton is right next door to Chanel. Maybe someday I'll go inside the stores.

I must say I very much enjoyed the freedom of my day. As much as I have very strong Hermit tendencies, this forced confinement was not satisfying. I did learn that if the dog that lives behind us is outside and I spray my "can of air" near the window he goes nuts with the barking. I know that's not very nice but you have no idea how bored I was.

I have declared September no carbonation month. I am not drinking anything carbonated. This will be a bit of issue as 90% of my normal liquid intake is carbonated but I am going to be strong. I'll let you know how it goes. Fortunately though the Vodka Martini is shaken it is not fizzy.

In other news, Tripping the Velvet was an interesting novel, that it was a lesbian romance novel didn't occur to me until the first intimate scene. I'm usually pretty quick on the uptake. The story was quite enjoyable and the writing style was very pretty. If she ever writes something that doesn't make you feel like you're reading lesbian porn I will be the first to purchase it.

I'm looking for new books, so if anyone has suggestions please let me know (I've figured out my comments section so that you can actually comment without having to get a blogger account.)

I feel a little guilty having had such a good day with what happened in the Southern US and in Iraq. - Thoughts and Good Energy to all those who are in need.