Tuesday, September 06, 2005

's o.k.

As I lay in bed last night not sleeping I realized that the initials of my blog are a pretty good motto. A way of living and letting things go.
's o.k. can mean

no worries
you're welcome
I'm fine
apology accepted

I'm a big fan of trying not to sweat the small stuff and remembering that in the long run, very little matters except how you conduct yourself and treat others. Note that I said I'm a big fan, this does not mean that I always succeed. But the little things add up and can really make you feel better.

Moving on to other less esoteric stuff. I am still uncarbonated. I switched my usual diet coke for diet iced tea, still has that lovely aspartame after-taste and comes in a can so I don't feel like I've given up everything. Kind of missed the fizzy though last night when I realized that beer is carbonated.

The world must have shifted a little because I just heard the door buzzer and was able to receive a package! hooray! I do enjoy getting packages. If only they weren't all work related.

What else is new ? We cooked a duck on Sunday night. It was really good and once BC decided to stop playing "watch the duck puppet dance" it was pretty easy. I have issues with raw meat. I don't touch it. I will back away from it or leave the room. Some irrational fear of salmonella or a traumatic incident from my childhood that I've repressed? Who knows, just keep it away from me.

It's the first day of school. Although I love not being a student, there's always been something hopeful about the first day of classes. Seeing what you'll be learning, meeting old and new friends, and blank notebooks full of possibilities. What's more exciting than that?

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