Tuesday, September 20, 2005

to dog or not to dog ...

So I'm thinking about getting a puppy dog (or young adult dog). I have spent many hours on the internet narrowing down the breed and the size and the general temperment and abilities I would like in a dog, now it is a matter of
A) convincing myself that this is something I can do
B) convincing the husband that this is something I (we) can do
C) finding someone reputable who has my dog for sale
D) convincing our landlord not to kick us out

Before C and D can happen I have promised the husband that I will go to an allergist to ensure that if / once we get a dog I will not be overcome and incapacitated by my sinuses. I am very allergic to dog dander, my sister's beautiful dog Stanley induces fits of sneezing worthy of the Guinness book of world records. (how cute is he in his Christmas Sweater though?)

So although no dog is technically hypoallergenic I have decided to go with the most allergy friendly dog there is (that I still think is cute). A miniature poodle. People laugh but the poodle is one of the smartest and easiest to train dogs there are. Although I know people frown on dogs in an apartment, I work from home and will be here 3-5 days a week with the dog and if I had to be away and couldn't get home during the day I would get a dog walker. I have just purchased Dogs for Dummies as Weddings for Dummies was a lifesaver. I'll let you know what I find out and how the decision making process is going.

1 comment:

indamanda said...

I would love to have the dog I assume you speak of except for the fact that he's used to having a yard, and if I remember the picture correctly, is very very hairy. (achoo!)

(checked about compatability with small people when making my decision)