Friday, September 09, 2005

quick question

How stupid do "they" really think we are? I just read the instructions on my mouthwash: Use in the morning, after eating and before social engagements.
Almost up there with the "The beverage in the cup is extremely hot, use caution when consuming" warning on every coffee cup ever handed out.

On a different note, I am off to Ottawa in a few hours to help throw my sister's wedding shower and bachelorette party. I'm looking forward to it but feel guilty because I have been instructed by my mother, god-mother, and everyone else to bring my wedding pictures. It's not my day anymore, it's the sister's. I am simply a bridesmaid - my duty is to help where I can and bring an attractive element to the proceedings. Not distract loads of attention from her at the party held in her honour. Here's hoping I can keep this to a minimum. Wish me luck.

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