Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Another nice fall day. Normally I hate the Fall, the colours and leaves are just to distract us from the fact that winter is coming. I even wrote a poem in high school - Autumn as Death Shroud - However, after the steaming hot summer we had, I am more open to Autumn, at least while it's here and I can still get away with layering sweaters and not having to put on my winter coat.

Spent the day at the Archives and I have started a new system to drown out the crazies. OK, I'm sure they're not all crazy but a lot of them really like to speak loudly about finding great uncle Charlie twice removed from Thessalon. Not good for my concentration. I used to wear ear plugs but that is kind of sad and since I often have to wear them for sleep I would have them on 16 hours a day. Enter the CD player, today I got a lot of work done, people didn't annoy me nearly as much as they usually do and I listened to some good music - Johnny Cash, Dean Martin, Frank, Ella ...

Judging by my musical taste you might think me in my 60s or 70s... I just don't buy CDs of current bands, never really have, I listen to lots of new music on the radio, just don't buy it and don't download. The only downside is the hassle of carrying around my diskman and cds. Perhaps it is becoming time to move onto present day technology and get an MP3 player.

Must say that I am getting more and more excited for Walk the Line every day.

Friday, November 04, 2005


Stuff I've been thinking about over the last little while...

I need a haircut.
I'm very excited for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Rent to hit the movie theatres.
I highly recommend worn fashion journal. (site's still under construction but the publication is awesome!)
The weather is far too warm for November. I haven't worn a jacket for three days. Don't try and tell me Global Warming is a myth.
I am getting addicted to Poker on TV.
No carbonation month went really well, thinking about doing it again. I was definitely less bloated.
I need to get out and take pictures around the city or at least carry my camera, I'm always seeing this or that and wishing I had my camera.
Finished reading The Historian, by Elizabeth Kostova, it was awesome. Also have recently finished and recommend:
Lamb, or the Gospel According to Biff, Christopher Lamb
Northern Lights, Nora Roberts
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, JK Rowling (ok, technically that's a re-read in anticipation for the movie but so good and awesome foreshadowing if you've read HP and the Half-Blood Prince)
How cute is this shoe? And, it comes in red.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

It's a nice day and I don't have any fall pictures.
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