Wednesday, August 31, 2005

accidental vacation ...

I have been absent, but not by choice. I came home last Wednesday and discovered that my computer monitor had decided that it did not work anymore. After trying everything I could think of, I called the company where we bought it to determine if
a. it was still under warranty
b. if not under warranty should we get it repaired or replaced.

To my great relief it was still under warranty and they would replace it, in two* business days. (*two business days on Pluto)

This meant that I waited at home Thursday, Friday and Monday, at 4 pm on Tuesday I called back to enquire as to the whereabouts of my monitor. I was told it was ready for pick-up at the UPS depot. I said "Wow, that's great, too bad no one told me and I'd asked for it to be delivered."
Fortunately it arrived today and my forced technology withdrawal is over. Waiting for couriers is not my favourite activity. I can't leave the apartment because Murphy's law states that I will miss them in the 5 minutes it takes for me to go and get coffee, have a shower, buy a newspaper ... I have been very very bored for the last 5 weekdays. Not to mention the fact that I couldn't work because I had no computer and couldn't go to the archives to work because I had to wait for the courier.
Daytime TV sucks and I re-read three books and napped a lot (right next to the door buzzer, just in case)

Had a nice weekend though, visited my husband's parents at their camp near Lake Simcoe. We don't see them as often as we'd like so it was really nice to see them and just hang out.

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