Friday, August 05, 2005

books of my times

So, I have recently finished re-reading the Josephine B. Trilogy by Sandra Gulland. I had read it before a couple of times, but now that I have actually been to Paris, it seemed to be calling me as I could put images besides the descriptions of various buildings, like the Tuilleries, the Louvre and Palais Royal (the Metro stop closest to our hotel). It was so enjoyable. I love the style of the book, built as a journal with extracts from actual letters and other historical documents as context. Such an amazing story, a well known story, but perspective really makes it original and compelling.

I have also recently finished The Deptford Trilogy by Robertson Davies. This is my friend NJ's favourite book and I was really hoping to enjoy it. Admittedly there were passages that blew me away with the narrative and writing, unfortunately it fell often into the pedantic rhythm that - in my opinion - so often plagues Canadian writers, writing about Canada. My favourite of the three was the final book but without the context of the previous two it would have been like drinking a fine wine on an empty stomach.

The third of my recently finished is The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella. I really enjoy her writing. The characters make me smile, I easily identify with them (especially some of the wedding dilemmas in Shopaholic Gets Married as I was planning my own wedding.) It's not destined to become a "classic", but a lovely way to spend a couple of hours, occasionally laughing out loud. And her books will always have a space on my shelf.

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