I hate SUVs. Hate them. I live in a city. I would not have a car were it not for our child.
If your car is named after something that belongs OUTSIDE, in the country, do not drive it in the city. You are clogging the roads, polluting the air, taking up parking spaces, making dangerous merges and generally annoying me.
If your car's name contains words like Rover, Avalanche, Tundra, Pathfinder, I am talking to you. *
If you drive a Suburban, keep it in the suburbs! It's in the name.
Don't even get me started on the Escalade. From the spanish: escalade |ˌeskəˈlād; ˈeskəˌlād|
noun historical; the scaling of fortified walls using ladders, as a form of military attack.ORIGIN late 16th cent.: from French, or from Spanish escalada, escalado, frommedieval Latin scalare ‘to scale, climb,’ fromLatin scala ‘ladder.’ It makes NO SENSE unless you're driving up the side of a mountain and the on-ramp to the DVP does not count!OK. got that off my chest. Thanks.
* This means you: Cherokee, Equinox, Traverse, Escape, Explorer, Tahoe, Journey, Expedition, Everest, Outlander and Forester. And the Sequoia, Armada, Safari ....