Wednesday, January 14, 2009

52 in 52

So I recently signed up to which is a knitting themed social networking site. I was turned onto the site by a friend who is also not working at the moment and a much MUCH better knitter than me.

I was browsing their groups and there was one with a challenge to read 52 books in 52 weeks. Now if you know me at all, you know that this is a very easy challenge as I like to average 2 books per week. However, I have decided that I can only count books I have never read before.

So since the 1st of January I have finished reading:

1. Roma* by Steven Saylor.
I really liked this book. It follows two families from the founding of Rome through to the beginning of the Empire. Epic, well researched and well written.

2. New Moon by Stephanie Meyer
If you like teenage vampire novels you've probably already read New Moon, it's prequel and sequels. I will say nothing more. Probably only good if you're a girl.

3. Agnes and the Hitman by Jennifer Crusie and Bob Mayer **
Screwball, ridiculous modern romance with baking, a wedding, the mob and the CIA. Probably only good if you're a girl.

4. Fire and Ice by Julie Garwood
Forgettable way to spend a couple of mindless hours. Probably only good if you're a girl.

5. Vintage Furniture by Fay Sweet
I had to buy this because it has a picture of my beloved Nelson Marshmallow Sofa on the back cover. The book is really interesting, well illustrated and inspiring enough to make my husband nervous.

currently in progress:
Vintage Shoes by Caroline Cox (again, making my husband nervous)

Imperium by Robert Harris (I am really enjoying this book but worry it is making me sympathetic to Cicero.)

* I am including this book but I think I started reading it before January 1 2009 but since it is only the 13th of the month I don't think it will skew my 1 book per week goal too much.

** Audiobook


Anonymous said...

Does it count if it's an audio book? Kidding! I'm actually pretty busy with some freelance work at the moment, although that said, the sweater I showed you at Christmas should be done by next week.

indamanda said...

Audiobooks are as valid as if you were a child and someone reads you a story.

I abandoned my first pair of mittens, given they were so enormous I could fit 3 of my eensy little hands in them. I am now attempting fingerless mittens. fingers crossed (waaaa!)