Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Dogs and Goddesses by Jennifer Crusie, Anne Stuart, Lani Diane Rich. I was interested to read this not because of the subject matter (which is riduculous) but because Jennifer Crusie's books make me laugh out loud and her collaborations with Bob Mayer are superfun. I was concerned that with three authors the distinct voices would be jarring but it seems that they confined their voices to the three main characters and had a fantastic editor. The premise is ridiculous and the action moves along very quickly and not a thought is given to credibility. I liked it and will probably read another if they collaborate again.


Anonymous said...

That sounds really amusing. I'm reading The Temptation of the Night Jasmine at the moment. Oddly, no mention of the Pink Carnation, but I'm enjoying Charlotte as the main heroine.

indamanda said...

I'm also reading The Temptation of the Night Jasmine. I do miss the PC but not Amy :) Charlotte is just so matter of fact. I'll loan you Dogs & Goddesses next time I see you.

Anonymous said...

I read an interview with Lauren Willig in which she explained that the next book will be in Indian, and also not feature the PC, but the two books after that will be all about the PC.

indamanda said...

interesting. fortnately she's pretty quick so we won't have to wait too long.