Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lucky 13

I went with vampires and werewolves for lucky number 13, ok not really, but it's a funny coincidence. Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer. I have noticed that the writing seems to be improving as the story moves along. I am enjoying the way all the characters are evolving (except Bella, who doesn't seem to grow). I am also very grateful that KG put me onto the leaked partial novel from Edward's point of view. I have much more understanding and sympathy for his character.

And I am excited because I found a copy of The Charlemagne Pursuit by Steve Berry at the library. It just jumped the queue.


Anonymous said...

I've been avoiding this series because it sounds like too much teen angst for my liking. Does it have more to offer a jaded 31-year old?

indamanda said...

Not really. the books do improve as you go along, both the writing and plotting. It's typical "young adult" stuff. I picked up the second one after I had read "Midnight Sun" on the web, and it is sad she isn't thinking of finishing it because to me it had the most to offer. They don't take long to read at all though which is partly why I picked them up in the first place. I will finish the series, but only if I can find a copy of the last one really cheap.