Saturday, March 13, 2010

Lessons of the day

It was a harsh and rainy day outside. So I stayed inside and learned a few things.

1. Roasted fennel is delicious. I abhor anise as a flavour. I cannot stomach black licorice, Anisette, or Sambuca. However, take a bulb of fennel, cut it into quarters and stick it in a hot oven for an hour and it is delicious. Isn't chemistry amazing?

2. If you don't mash chick peas before putting them in the oven you get crunchy hummus balls.

3. One can accomplish more in 45 minutes alone in the house than one can in 4 hours on a normal day. I have known this for a while but it always amazes me.

4. There are few things in life better than starting a new book by a favourite author.

5. I care a lot less about curling than other people seem to.

6. Even if you are not the person who attended "Max and Ruby" live on stage, you will still be singing the theme song for the rest of the day.

7. There is no end to laundry.

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