Thursday, October 27, 2005

judging professionals

And I'm not talking about Jurists.

Tuesday I had to go to the Dentist. I hate going to the dentist. I'm sure he's a very nice man and his hygenists are very nice people. But there is something about the dentist that just doesn't sit well with me. It's not the fact that they spend their lives poking around in people's mouths, which is pretty icky, but more the fact that they are constantly judging your oral hygeine and criticizing it when it is their job (and they are being pretty well paid) to clean your teeth and detect any problems.

I had financial issues, no insurance and had not been to the dentist in 10 years. I decided that it was more important to pay my rent, pay my taxes, eat and generally pay my cost of living than it was to go into even bigger debt just so someone could tell me I needed to spend more money on my teeth. After the BC and I had been living together for a year, I qualified for benefits under his insurance plan as the common-law spouse. Great. I go to the dentist and get THREE referrals, to the oral surgeon (for my wisdom teeth, which was needed and I do not begrudge), to the periodontist (who is suspiciously now married to said dentist) because I have receeding gums and to an orthodontis (who was invited to said dental/periodontal nuptials). I am not getting braces, they did enough to ruin my teenage years, and I am not having gum surgery. However, everytime I am at the dentist the topic comes up, and my emphatic "NO" with the implied *frickin' way ever, shut up and do your job* doesn't seem to be getting through.

Also, they have no idea what they're talking about; for kicks this time I decided to say that I had upped my flossing regimen from never to a couple of times a week. They praised me and said they could see a difference. Jackasses.

My other favourite judging professional (also not a jurist) is my pharmacist. Any time I pick up a prescription he looks it over, shakes his heads, gives me a pitying glance and hands it over. There is no need for that. He doesn't need to smile, I'd be happy with a neutral expression or even a "have a nice day." But no, he has to shake his head and look disapproving. I would change pharmacies but there isn't another one as convenient. (damn lazy self!)

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