Wednesday, October 05, 2005

life's too short ...

Yesterday as I was crossing the street. I waited for lights, started to cross, the SUV that should have been waiting decided to gun the engine and move forward. He stopped and when I gave him the "hello, I'm walking here" arm and shoulder shrug he leaned out his window and shouted "Life's too short, Hon."

Seriously. What does he mean by that? Life's too short for him to obey the traffic laws? Life's too short for me to be upset about a possible fatal introduction between his SUV and my body? Life's too short for him to have a passing thought about the nameless persons he almost injures every day?

I know exactly how short life can be. I spent my 19th birthday recovering from near-fatal internal injuries obtained after an encounter with a vehicle very similar to your big manly SUV. I am very aware of how short and precious life is, so go figure, I get upset when someone blatently disregards and disrespects my existence.

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