Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I'm going to start keeping a notebook

so I can write down all the great ideas I get for blog posts and then promptly forget.  Which, in turn, forces me to write about forgetting all the brilliant things I want to write about.

Super interesting I'm sure.  Way to get readers indamanda!  go you!

And in order to help myself fulfil my goal of actually blogging more than twice every two years here's a random list of stuff:

1.  If I get up in the middle of the night I can't go back to sleep on the same side I woke up on.

2.  I don't trust people that claim to be unable to walk in high heels (barring actual physical impairment, obviously).

3.  The "stench" of my nighttime moisturizer actually forced BC to sleep on the couch the other night.  It was expensive, I'm not not using it.

4.  Sometimes I like to browse "everything" on Pinterest and laugh at how crazy people are.  Then I look at my own boards and realize I was kind of laughing at myself.

5.  My favourite number is 37.  I blame Sweet Valley High.

6.  I don't understand twitter.  I have a twitter but don't think I use it correctly.  (@indamandajones)

7.  I think I want to start watching Dr. Who but don't know where to start.

8.  I have to do a crossword puzzle before I can go to sleep.  Always in ink.

9.  I am pretty sure that I'm a better mom on the days I pretend I'm the nanny.

10. I never did a 40 before 40 list.  I don't really mind.

11. I also don't trust people who don't drink caffeinated beverages, smile too much or claim to be happy all the time.

12. Sometimes I feel guilty about abandoning proper books for my Kobo, but then I realized it's 1 am and I'm 2/3 of the way through a trilogy that must be finished that night.

13. I have been watching "The IT Crowd" which is fun but mostly it makes me miss JPod.

14.  I may have double spaced this list to make it look like a longer post.  ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG I used to love Sweet Valley High. Sometimes I consider going back and reading the old books. I am sure my mom has them in the basement somewhere. Thanks for bringing me back!