Thursday, July 07, 2005

confusion ...

Things I don't understand:

Terrorism. Why does killing innocent people help any cause?

Running for the Subway. There will be another in 2 minutes.

Bjork. Seriously, I don't understand the appeal. Perhaps I'm not sophisticated enough in my musical taste, or maybe I'm too sophisticated ....

Retaliation. Why does bombing the bombers ever seem like a good idea. Making them even madder has to be a brilliant plan.

Jaywalking. Admittedly, after having been hit by a vehicle, I'm more cautious than most, but when is jaywalking while holding a small child ever a good plan?

Parking illegally and then complaining about the ticket. I'm so glad the laws of the land don't apply to you.

Reality TV contestants. I'm not saying I don't watch the occasional show - I'm addicted to anything fashion related - but who really thinks that the experience is going to make their lives better?

Everytime I buy an existing herb window box, the chives and parsely die within a week. (I tried growing parsley from seeds ... it's not going well either.)

my heart and prayers are with all those injured and bereaved in London.

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