Thursday, July 21, 2005

crossing the street

Three times today in my quiet neighbourhood, I was almost run over. Once, by an AMBULANCE. I am a very cautious street crosser. I watched the light turn. The little man light up. I looked right, everything was stopped. I looked left, no cars. I took two steps. All of a sudden, out of nowhere from the left comes a very loud siren noise. Scared the devil out of me. I jumped back on the sidewalk as an ambulance which had come screeching up the road without any noise whatsoever decided that it needed to get through the light. I swear my heart didn't calm down for 10 minutes.

Later that day, I am crossing from the opposite side of the street, notice that the older woman turning right is not even going to look to see if there are pedestrians (which there always are!). After I begin to cross, the left turner decides to also not look and I have to break into a run in order to not be hit by the large, off-road, unnecessary in the city vehicle that is now careening around the corner.

Now I need to have a nap. It was a very stressful day.

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